Bulgarian Bag Training

The Bulgarian Bag is a fitness tool of the next generation. It’s a movement based piece of equipment. It incorporates all primal movement patterns that mimic natural movements. What makes the Bulgarian Bag unique is that it’s one of only a few exercise tools that cover all planes of movement under load. If you want truly grueling workout, ask one of our certified Bulagarian Bag Trainers for a quick tutorial.
Double Bulgarian Bag Tabata
Double Bulgarian Bag Tabata

2 Tabata Rounds: :20 max effort work, :10 break x 16 Alternate :20 rounds between: Bulgarian Bag Snatches Bulgarian Bag Jacks  

Suples Bulgarian Bag Gauntlet
Suples Bulgarian Bag Gauntlet

10 Spins Arm Throw Combo's 10 Swing Squats 10 Snatches 20 Cement Mixers 20 Battlerope Over Head Slams (Perform these movements in a 15 min AMRAP)

5 Minute Match
5 Minute Match

10 Spins R/L 10 Rows 10 Cleans 10 Snatch (Perform these movements in a 5 min AMRAP)