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Day 29: At home workouts
5 rounds: 200 meter run (100 down and 100 back) 15 ground to overhead (any object) 15 pushups 15 squats
Day 27: At Home Workout
50 Double Unders 10 Thrusters or Burpees 40 Double Unders 10 Thrusters or Burpees 30 Double Unders 10 Thrusters or Burpees 20 Double Unders 10 Thrusters of Burpees 10 Double Unders 10 Thrusters or Burpees 20 Double Unders 10 Thrusters or Burpees 30 Double Unders 10...
Day 26: At home Workouts
4 Rounds: 400 Meter Run (or 500 meter Row/1 mile assault bike) 10 Reps Weighted Squat (Back Squat, Front Squat, etc.) 50 Walking Overhead lunges (You can use anything for the weighted squats. I used a barbell, but you can use a weighted backpack, dumbells, kettlebells...
Day 25: At home Workouts
4 rounds: 400 meter run 30 squats 20 pushups 10 sitouts
Day 24: At home workouts
5 Rounds: 20 Backpack loaded squats 20 Backpack loaded lunges 20 Pushups
Day 22: At home Workouts
20 minute Wall sit hold Every time you have to stand up (or fall), perform 5 burpees, 10 pushups and 15 squat jumps
Day 21: At home Workouts
100 reps DIY Sand Block Burpees 100 reps DIY Sand Block Squats Broken up however you see fit!
Day 19: At home Workout
5 rounds: 10 burpee box jump 20 Paver ground to overhead
Day 18: At home Workout
Day 18: 50/50 40/40 30/30 20/20 10/10 Weighted back squats or front squats (use whatever you have) Body weight Squats