My poor legs!

My poor legs!

Metabolic Conditioning | Metcon Give this a try! 1/2 bodyweight goblet squat for 25 Reps Take half the weight of the goblet squat and perform dumbell bulgarian split squats for 10 reps per leg. Here’s what my weight and reps looked like. 3 rounds 100 lb dumbell...
Flippin’ Rough

Flippin’ Rough

Metabolic Conditioning 12 Tire Flips 24 Long Cycle  10 Tire Flips 20 Long Cycle 8 Tire Flips 16 Long Cycle 6 Tire Flips 12 Long Cycle 4 Tire Flips 8 Long Cycle 2 Tire Flips 4 Long Cycle At Republiq, Men use monster tire and women use the Escape Tyre Men 20kg, Women...
10 minute Ski Erg Torcher!

10 minute Ski Erg Torcher!

Metabolic Conditioning 10 round Scorcher 250 meter Sprint on the Ski Erg5 Double Kettlebell Snatches As soon as you’re done with the 250 m Sprint, start your minute. As soon as you’re done with the 5th Snatch, you take the remainder of that minute for your...