by Reece Killebrew | Mar 10, 2020 | conditioning, Metabolic Conditioning, Metcon
conditioning | Metabolic Conditioning | Metcon The Longest Mile 4 rounds 400 meter woodway run 25 Overhead Squats (65 Women, 95 men) 25 Weighted Pushups (25 Women, 45...
by Reece Killebrew | Mar 10, 2020 | conditioning
conditioning Double unders and Nonsense 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders Air squats Pushups Ab Mat...
by Reece Killebrew | Mar 4, 2020 | conditioning, grip training, Kettlebell Sport, Metabolic Conditioning, Metcon
conditioning | grip training | Kettlebell Sport | Metabolic Conditioning | Metcon Free Run – Long Cycle Mashup 4 Rounds: :30 Woodway sprint 10 2xKB Strict Press :30 Woodway sprint 10 2xKB Push Press :30 Woodway sprint 10 2xKB Push Jerk :30 Woodway sprint 10 2xKB...
by Reece Killebrew | Feb 24, 2020 | conditioning, Kettlebell Sport, Metabolic Conditioning
conditioning | Kettlebell Sport | Metabolic Conditioning Just Breath! 5 rounds: 400 meter run on the Woodway or Assault Runner 16 reps Longcycle 2x20kg(M) 2x12kg(W) 8RPM The key here is staying calm under pressure. Keep breathing and pace yourself to 8 reps per...
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