Spins and Burpees OMG

Spins and Burpees OMG

Metabolic Conditioning 500 m Row 10 x Burpees 50 Bulgarian Bag Spins 8 x Burpees 40 Bulgarian Bag Spins 6 Burpees 30 Bulgarian Bag Spins 4 Burpees  20 Bulgarian Bag Spins 2 Burpees 10 Bulgarian Bag Spins 500 m Row...
Calories in – calories out

Calories in – calories out

Fitness Tips Eat less, move more!   Stick to protein and veggies while limiting frankenstein fats and cardboard carbohydrates Drink more water and stop eating when you’re around 80% full Use the size of your hands for portion sizes Have a friend or spouse join...
Full Body Kettlebell Complex

Full Body Kettlebell Complex

Kettlebell Sport Here is a quick kettlebell complex to add to your next session. 5 rounds: I did both the beginner and advanced as 1 complete round. Beginner:2 Longcycle4 Front Squats6 Cleans6 Snatch8 Lunges either racked or overhead10 Sumo Deadlifts Advanced:2...
10 minute Ski Erg Torcher!

10 minute Ski Erg Torcher!

Metabolic Conditioning 10 round Scorcher 250 meter Sprint on the Ski Erg5 Double Kettlebell Snatches As soon as you’re done with the 250 m Sprint, start your minute. As soon as you’re done with the 5th Snatch, you take the remainder of that minute for your...
Challenging Bag Workout

Challenging Bag Workout

Boxing and Kickboxing ​ Give this combo a go! 3 – 3 minute rounds with 1:00 break #4, #2, #3, #1, #1, #3, #2, #4 5 Burpees The idea here is to get seemless with the transitions between combos! #1= Jab #2= Jab, Cross #3= Jab, Cross, Lead Hook #4= Jab, Cross, Lead...