by Reece Killebrew | Apr 7, 2020 | Metabolic Conditioning
Metabolic Conditioning Day 27: At Home Workout 50 Double Unders 10 Thrusters or Burpees 40 Double Unders 10 Thrusters or Burpees 30 Double Unders 10 Thrusters or Burpees 20 Double Unders 10 Thrusters of Burpees 10 Double Unders 10 Thrusters or Burpees 20 Double Unders...
by Reece Killebrew | Mar 10, 2020 | conditioning, Metabolic Conditioning, Metcon
conditioning | Metabolic Conditioning | Metcon The Longest Mile 4 rounds 400 meter woodway run 25 Overhead Squats (65 Women, 95 men) 25 Weighted Pushups (25 Women, 45...
by Reece Killebrew | Mar 4, 2020 | conditioning, grip training, Kettlebell Sport, Metabolic Conditioning, Metcon
conditioning | grip training | Kettlebell Sport | Metabolic Conditioning | Metcon Free Run – Long Cycle Mashup 4 Rounds: :30 Woodway sprint 10 2xKB Strict Press :30 Woodway sprint 10 2xKB Push Press :30 Woodway sprint 10 2xKB Push Jerk :30 Woodway sprint 10 2xKB...
by Reece Killebrew | Feb 24, 2020 | conditioning, Kettlebell Sport, Metabolic Conditioning
conditioning | Kettlebell Sport | Metabolic Conditioning Just Breath! 5 rounds: 400 meter run on the Woodway or Assault Runner 16 reps Longcycle 2x20kg(M) 2x12kg(W) 8RPM The key here is staying calm under pressure. Keep breathing and pace yourself to 8 reps per...
by Reece Killebrew | Feb 20, 2020 | Kettlebell Sport, Metabolic Conditioning, Metcon
Kettlebell Sport | Metabolic Conditioning | Metcon Burpees suck…but they suck more with airdyne bike sprints! Burpees Assault Bike Calories 2xKB Thrusters 21-18-15-12-9-6-3...
by Reece Killebrew | Dec 12, 2019 | Kettlebell Sport, Metabolic Conditioning
Kettlebell Sport | Metabolic Conditioning Heavy A$$ MedBall 5 rounds: 10 Alternating Heavy A$$ Medball Shoulders 150lbs/50lbs 10 Kettlebell Snatch R/L 24kg/12kg 500 Meter...
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